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Set A Second and Third Person

Second  Person, Singular:

h – before vowels, hi – before consonants.

hiwoniha = hi – pronominal prefix, woniha – speaking. hiwoniha means you are speaking

hega = h – pronoun prefix, ega – go. hega means you are going/you go.

Second Person, Dual:

sd – before vowels, sdi – before consonants.

sdiwoniha = sdi – pronominal prefix, woniha – speaking. sdiwoniha means you two are speaking.

sdega = sd – pronoun prefix, ega – go. sdega means you two are going/you two go.
Remember dual means exactly two.

Second Person, Plural:

its – (ij – ) before vowels, itsi – (iji – ) before consonants.

itsiwoniha = itsi – pronominal prefix, woniha – speaking. itsiwoniha means you all are speaking. This can also be seen as ijiwoniha.

itsega = its – pronoun prefix, ega – go. itsega means you all are going. This can also be seen as ijega.

Third  Person, Singular:

g – / a – before vowels, ga – / nothing (sometimes it can be seen as an ‘x’) before consonants.

gawoniha = ga – pronominal prefix, woniha – speaking. gawoniha means he / she are speaking

ega =  – pronoun prefix, ega – go. ega means she / he are going/she / he go. ega can also be seen as xega to indicate there is a prefix that has been deleted.

There is no third person dual or plural.

Try to put these action verbs in context using Set A Second and Third Person Pronoun Prefixes:
dayasdiha – stretch danasini – crawl
litadega – jump ʔi – walk
nelohvsga – play dawoʔs – swim/bathe