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Immediate Verb Stem

Immediate Verb Stem (IMM)

Immediate Verb Stem can present an action that recently took place in the recent past or used as a command to express an action that should be done soon. When used to indicate what should be done soon hypothetically, the Irrealis Prepronominal Prefix is used. Remember the Irrealis Prepronominal Prefix (IRR) yi – prefix used to state the event is hypothetical and to negate verbs. It has a y – variant before vowels.


kilawayusdi otsalena

kilawayúúsdi oòjaleéna

kilawayúúsdi oòjii-aleéna

moment ago 1A.PL.EX-start(I):IMM

We just started. / We just started a moment ago.

1A.PL.EX – First Person Set A Plural Exclusive Pronominal Prefix

(I) – Intransitive


gado anadvga

gado aàn(a)dvvga

gado anii-advvga

what 3A.NS-do:IMM

What did they do?

3A.NS – Third Person Set A Nonsingular Pronominal Prefix

To form commands:





2A-set down:IMM

Set it down!

2A – Second Person Set A Pronominal Prefix


halisquedugi tsigoliya

hal(i)sgweetuhgi jigooliíya

hi-alisgweetuhgi ji-gooliíya

2A-take hat off:IMM 1A-examine:IMM

Take your hat off. Let Me look at it.

The Immediate Verb Stem is also used to refer to events that will / could happen; as well as to the ability to perform the action. The Immediate Verb Stem is used with the Irrealis Prepronominal Prefix yi – to perform this functions.


yinadvga adi

yinaadvvg(a) aàdi

yi-ni-a-advvga a-adi

IRR-NI-3A-do:IMM 3A-say:PRC

He says he will do it. / He will do it he says.

IRR – Irrealis Prepronominal Prefix (yi – prefix used to state the event is hypothetical and to negate verbs. It has a y – variant before vowels)

NI – NI Prepronominal Prefix (ni- indicates the meaning: it, already, and almost. When used with the negative deverbalizer it creates a subordinate verb or an adjective out of the verb. It is also frozen on some common verbs and nouns. It has a variant form n- before vowels. NI has a second form i- / yi- that appears on Infinitive Verb Stems and derived forms. The variant form is iy- before vowels)

3A – Third Person Set A Pronominal Prefix


eliquu tali iyatawostanv yigeda amayi hawini

eelíígwu taʔli iyátahwoòstanv yigeéda amaáyi hawííni

eelíígwu taʔli iyátahwoòstanv yi-ji-eéda amaáyi hawííni

possible two minute IRR-1A-be at:IMM in water under

I can stay under water for two minutes. / I can be under water for possibly two minutes.

IRR – Irrealis Prepronominal Prefix (yi – prefix used to state the event is hypothetical and to negate verbs. It has a y – variant before vowels)

1A – First Person Set A Pronominal Prefix

Immediate Verb Stem takes two distinct forms of the Distributive Prepronominal Prefix (DST).
If a past or future meaning is needed, the form de – (dee-) is used.

ᎩᎳᏭ                ᏕᎯᎪᎵᏯ

kilawu              dehigoliya

kilawu              deehígooliíya

kila=wu            dee-hí-gooliíya

just now=DT    DST-2A-examine:IMM

DT – Delimiter Postfix (=quu (=gwu) sometimes shortened to =wu, =wv, =w and full form is =squu (=sgwu) expresses only or just. Delimiter Postfix is often emphatic)

DST – Distributive Prepronominal Prefix (de – (dee-) used to indicate nonsingular objects or multiple instances of an action. Distributive has three variants depending on the other prefixes used d-, di-, and do- (doo-). There is a secondary form di – on adjectives, most nouns, and command form of the Immediate Verb Stem and all Infinitive Verb Stems. The variant forms of the secondary form are di- (dii-), ts- (j-), or ti-.)

2A – Second Person Set A Pronominal Prefix

Second form of the Distributive Prepronominal Prefix di – is used on the command form of the Immediate Verb Stem.






Examine them!

DST2 – Distributive Prepronominal Prefix Secondary Form (di – on adjectives, most nouns, and command form of the Immediate Verb Stem and all Infinitive Verb Stems. It is used to indicate nonsingular objects or multiple instances of an action. The variant forms of the secondary form are di- (dii-), ts- (j-), or ti-.)

2A.DL – Second Person Set A Dual Pronominal Prefix.

Verbs Explained

First and Third Person Singular Verb List

Verbs Reviewed

Verb Tense, Aspect and Mood

Present Continuous Verb Stem

Incompletive Verb Stem

Completive Verb Stem

Infinitive Verb Stem