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Fry Bread


3 c all-purpose flour

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

pinch salt

1 1/3 c warm water

vegetable oil for frying



1. Combine the flour, baking powder, and salt.

2. Add the water to the flour mixture.

3. Mix until combined.

4. Turn dough out onto a floured surface. Knead dough until soft.

5. If you have a 4″ cutter, roll the dough out on a lightly floured board until 1/4″ thick and cut out 4″ rounds. If you don’t have a big cutter, pinch off about a golf ball size of dough.

6. Roll or pat dough flat in a circle about 1/4 of an inch thick.

7. Drop dough into heated oil that is 1-2 inches deep (about 317 degrees). Fry until the bread puffs up.

8. Flip over. It is done when both sides are golden brown.

9. Drain on paper towels.

10. Serve with honey.

11. Or can use bread for tacos. Brown 1 lb ground turkey, add 1 chopped red bell pepper and a can of yellow corn to browned turkey. Add 1 package of taco seasoning and a touch of ketchup to taste. Serve on fry bread with lettuce, cheese, refried beans, tomatoes, etc.

Cherokee Tacos; Make the fry bread, then Brown 1 lb of grounded turkey burger. Add 1 chopped red bell pepper and a can of yellow corn to the turkey. Add 1 package of taco seasoning and a touch of ketchup to taste. Serve on fry bread with lettuce, cheese, refried beans, tomatoes, etc.

     Fry Bread Pizza; Make the fry bread, add pizza sauce, cheese and any toppings. Bake on 350F in the oven until cheese is melted. 

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